text4选自2016年6月27日的 the christian science monitor(《基督教科学箴zhēn言报》),原文标题为“the?laws fine line between graft and access”(《法律明确了贪污腐败与正常渠道之间的界限》)。本文是法律类文本,主要论述美国高等法院对公务人员贪污受贿行为的界定和裁决。

在地方法院对一个人的定罪,不是由法院对其定罪,而是由 jurry陪审团做决定,而陪审团成员是由平民组成,本案中法官并未告知陪审团前弗吉尼亚州州长罗伯特·麦克唐纳可以做什么,不可以做什么,从而造成了误判。故事是从这里开始的。
1. united states district court地方法院
2 district court of appeals.上诉法院
appeals上诉( appeal的名词复数 ); [体育]诉请; 呼吁;
district ?[?d?str?kt] ???n.地区; 行政区;
united states supreme court最高法院
class action lawsuit集体诉讼
action 诉讼
lawsuit[?l??su?t] n.诉讼; 诉讼案件;
5. plaintiff ?[?ple?nt?f] 原告(plaint=complain,表示)
6. defendant[d??fend?nt]被告(fend=to strike,表示)
offend [??fend]犯罪,冒犯,(of=to;fend=to strike)
7. amendment[??mendm?nt]修正案
8. liberal [?l?b?r?l]自由派
9 .conservative [k?n?s??v?t?v]保守派(serv ?=serve/keep,表示 2. 保持,保留)
11. democratic party [?dem??kr?t?k]民主党
12 republican party共和党
13. representative government代议制政府
14. the house众议院(代表选民利益,提交法案)
15. the senate[?sen?t]参议院(代表各州利益,审核法案,只能通过或不通过,不能修改)
16. crime of corruption贪污罪;腐化罪
17.jury[?d???ri] 陪审团
18.verdict(陪审团的)裁决; 裁定
19. lawful act合法行为
unlawful act违法行为
21.?defendant被告 (用于民事、行政案件);
22.?the accused (用于刑事案件)
24.?respondent; defendant被诉人
26.accuser; complainant控告人
27.?circumstantial evidence旁证
28.victim [?v?kt?m] 受害人
29.诉讼 litigation; action; lawsuit
30.辩护 defense
31.辩护律师 defense attorney/lawyer(va )
32.辩护人 defender
33.破产 bankruptcy
34.上诉 appeal
【1段】①in a rare unanimous?ruling, the us supreme court has overturned the corruption?conviction?of a former virginia governor, robert mcdonnell.?②but it did so while holding its nose at the ethics?of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a rolex watch and a ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government.
unanimous?[ju?n?n?m?s]全体一致的; 一致同意的(un=one)
conviction[k?n?v?k?n] n.判罪; 坚信; (正义战胜邪恶是“判罪”;最后一定会胜利是“坚信”)
ethics[ 伦理(学)
access to接近; 去…的通路
【2段】①the high court’s decision said the judge in mr. mcdonnell’s trail failed to tell a jury?that it must look only at his “official acts,”?or the former governor’s decisions on “specific” and “unsettled” issues related to his duties.
?that it must look only at his “official acts,”中that引导的宾语从句,作tell的直接宾语。
【3段】①merely helping a gift-giver(to)?gain access to other officials, unless (it is)done with clear intent to pressure those officials, is not corruption, the justices found.
【3段】高院法官发现,他仅仅是 助一个送礼者接近其他官员,而非意图明确地对这些官员施压,这并非贪污。
【句子讲解】本句是复合句。主句是简单句,动名词短语 helping a?gift- giver gain access to other?officials作主语,系动词是 is not,表语是 corruption;动名词短语中, a gift- giver作 helping的宾语,省略to的动词不定式短语(to)gain access to other officials 作a?gift-giver的补语;副词 merely作状语,修饰 helping ,unless引导的条件状语从句,作主句的条件状语;从句中省略了主语it和be动词is,从句的谓语(is)done使用了被动语态,介词短语 with clear?intent作状语;动词不定式短语to pressure those officials作后置定语,修饰 intent。 the justices?found作插入语。
【4段】①the court did suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is “distasteful” and “nasty.”?②but under?anti-bribery?laws, proof must be made of concrete?benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation.?③simply arranging a meeting, making a phone call, or hosting an event is not an “official act.”
under:according to
bribery?[?bra?b?ri] n.行贿; [法]贿赂;
bribe [bra?b] 贿赂;
bride [bra?d] 新娘
concrete[?k??kri?t]adj.混凝土制的; 具体的; 实在的;(con=together;cre=grow)
【5段】①the court’s ruling is legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism that is not?criminal. ②elected leaders must be allowed to help supporters deal with bureaucratic problems without fear of prosecution?of bribery. “the basic compact underlying representative government,” wrote chief justice john roberts for the court, “assumes that public officials will hear from their constituents and act on their concerns.”
?criminal?[?kr?m?nl] adj.犯罪的; 刑法的
bureaucratic [?bj??r??kr?t?k]adj.官僚(主义)的;
persecution迫害(per= all through;secut=follow)
execute [?eks?kju?t]执行, 实行, 完成, 处死
【5段】在判定某种偏袒不属于犯罪时,法院的裁决是既合法又合理的。民选领袖应该被允许去 助其支持者处理官僚问题而无须担心被起诉受贿。法院的首席法官约翰·罗伯特写道“代议制政府下的基本协定认为公务人员应听从其选民意见并按照其意愿行使职能。
【6段】①but the ruling reinforces the need for citizens and their elected?representatives, not the courts, to ensure equality of access to government. ②officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in arranging meetings simply because an individual or group provides a campaign donation or a personal gift. ③this type of integrity requires well-enforced laws in government transparency, such as records of official meetings, rules on lobbying, and information about each elected leader’s source of wealth.
?representative[?repr??zent?t?v]n.代表; 继任者; 议员; (re一再+present出席的+ative人或物等)
transparency?[tr?ns?p?r?nsi]n.透明; 透明度; 透明性
lobby [?l?bi] 门厅,大厅; 休息室; 游说团;
【7段】①favoritism in official access can fan public perceptions of corruption. ②but it is not always corruption.?③rather officials must avoid double standards, or different types of access for average people and the wealthy. ④if connections can be bought, a basic premise of democratic society—that all are equal in treatment by government—is undermined. ⑤good governance rests on an understanding of the inherent?worth of each individual.
undermine [??nd??ma?n]v.逐渐削弱; 使逐步减少效力; 从根基处破坏
inherent?[?n?h??r?nt]adj. ?固有的,内在的; 天生;(in里面+her粘附+ent……的)
【8段】①the court’s ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.
40. the author’s attitude toward?the court’s ruling?is
[a] sarcastic.????????????[b] tolerant.
[c] skeptical.????????????[d] supportive.
作者对法院的裁决持【 】态度。
这是中心主旨题,作者的态度体现了全文的中心主旨,那么全文的中心话题是 the court’s ruling(法院的裁决),[a] sarcastic.??[b] tolerant.在考试中没有出现过,答案只能从[c] skeptical.?[d] supportive.中二选一,支持或怀疑。
36. the underlined sentence (para.?1) most probably shows that the court???????。
37. according to paragraph 4, an official act?is deemed corruptive?only if it involves(细节)
根据第四段,只有在涉及【 ????】时,公务行为才会被视为腐败
关键词:an official act?is deemed corruptive
38. the court’s ruling?is based on the?assumption?that (同位语)public officials are(细节)
最高法院的裁决基于公务人员【 ?】这一假设。
39. well-enforced laws in government transparency?are needed to
关键词:well-enforced 在6段是题眼
40. the author’s attitude toward the court’s ruling is
作者对法院的裁决持【 】态度。
36. the underlined sentence (para.?1) most probably shows that the court
[a] made no compromise?in convicting mcdonnell.
????[b] avoided defining the extent of?mcdonnell’s duties.
[c] was?contemptuous?of mcdonnell’s?conduct.
[d] refused to comment on mcdonnell’s ethics.
compromise[?k?mpr?ma?z] ?妥协方案;(con=com=together;pro=before;mis=cast)
【模糊定位】由37题干中提到腐败,公务行为,本文可能说的是官方的什么行为是腐败犯罪,可反推36题最高法院的态度是负面的,谁会去赞赏腐败?[c] was contemptuous?of mcdonnell’s conduct.中有负面的态度contemptuous,有行为conduct,?mcdonnell四个选项中全有,[c] 具备了一切正确答案的特质。
【命题解密】正确项[c]符合划线句与其上下文之间语义逻辑,是对划线句中 holding its nose?at the ethics of his conducts正确解读。4段一句:the court did suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is “distasteful” and “nasty.”进一步说明[c]符合这条件,因为在全文中作者的态度是一致的。
这题没有对中心进行考察,比较少见。中心话题是?corruption conviction 。第一句说a rare unanimous引起下文,表明高院对corruption conviction定义清析,引起下文。
【1段】①in a rare unanimous?ruling, the us supreme court?has overturned?the?corruption conviction of a former virginia governor, robert mcdonnell.?②but it did so while holding its?(=the us supreme court)nose at the ethics of?his conduct(行为),?which (=his conduct)included accepting gifts such as a rolex watch and a ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government.
要点注释:在上述“ while+现在分词短语”结构中,因其主语与主句中的主语相同,故省略了主语it和系动词was,从而形成了“ while+非谓语动词”结构。其相当于一个时间状语从句,即: while it was holding its?nose?government。此外,此从句中的it和句子主干中的it均指代①句中的 the us supreme court。
which included accepting gifts such as a rolex watch and a ferrari automobile from a company?seeking access to government。

h引导的非限定性定语从句,补充说明 his conduct。?seeking access to government现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰 a company。
unanimous?[ju?n?n?m?s]全体一致的; 一致同意的(un=one)
(un单个+anim=mind思想+ous……的;)the jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict. ?
verdict [?v??d?kt]n.(陪审团的)裁决; 裁定;?(ver=true)
conviction[k?n?v?k?n] n.判罪; 坚信; (正义战胜邪恶是“判罪”;最后一定会胜利是“坚信”)
convictive ?[k?nv?kt?v] ?adj.有说服力的,令人信服的
ethics[ 伦理(学)
access to接近; 去…的通路
37. according to paragraph 4,?an official act?is deemed corruptive only if it involves
[a] concrete returns for gift-givers.
[b] sizable gains in the form of gifts.
[c] leaking secrets intentionally.
[d] breaking contracts officially.
根据第四段,只有在涉及【 ????】时,公务行为才会被视为腐败。
关键词:an official act?is deemed corruptive
【精准定位】由题干中official act可定位在第四段③,先看本段主旨,①是对上一部分的总结,是36题的答案。本句是否定句,找到上句,②句指出:根据反贿赂法,(构成贪腐罪的)证据必须是实实在在的好处,譬如批准某项合同或规定。可见,公务行为判定为贪腐的必要条件是公务人员为送礼者提供切实回报,故[a]正确。
【命题解密】题干+正确项[a]是对本段2句的 proof must be?made of concrete benefits 的同义改写.
由题干 an official act可定位在③,但③句前有simply,且本句是is not an “official act.”
本质做错原因是不认识?bribery?[?bra?b?ri] n.行贿; [法]贿赂。
【4段】①the court did(强调suggest )?suggest that accepting favors in return for opening doors is “distasteful” and “nasty.” ②but under anti-bribery laws, proof must be made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation.?③simply (=only)arranging a meeting, making a phone call, or hosting an event?is not?an “official act.”
under:according to
bribery?[?bra?b?ri] n.行贿; [法]贿赂;
bribe [bra?b] 贿赂;(beg)
bride [bra?d] 新娘
concrete[?k??kri?t]adj.混凝土制的; 具体的; 实在的;(con=together;cre=grow)
38. the court’s ruling is based on the assumption that public officials?are
[a] allowed to focus on the concerns of their supporters.
[b] qualified to deal independently with?bureaucratic?issues.
[c] justified in addressing the needs of their constituents.
[d] exempt from conviction on the charge of favoritism.
最高法院的裁决基于公务人员【 ?】这一假设。
【精准定位】题干中关键词:assumption that public officials
【命题解密】题干+正确项[c]是对第五段③句 assumes that public?officials will hear from their?constituents and act on their?concerns的同义改写。
allowed to focus on the concerns of their supporters.focus on集中;不应支持者,应是所有选民,如6 段讲的是本意.
由①句可知[d] exempt from conviction?on the charge of favoritism.是错误的,因为判定某种偏袒不属于犯罪,对于exempt from conviction,就无从谈起。
assumption [??s?mp?n] n.假定; 承担; 获得;(as=to;sumpt=take)(拿住→认为是……[假定])
bureau [?bj??r??]n.局; (提供某方面信息的)办事处; (based on greek :brown可能是一张紫色的桌子)
constituent [k?n?st?tju?nt]n.成分,要素; (选区)选民;(con共同+stit建立,放+uent)(con- + statuere‘set’一群人)
【5段】①the court’s ruling is legally sound(adj.明智的)?in defining a kind of favoritism that is not criminal. ②elected leaders must be allowed to help supporters deal with bureaucratic problems without fear of prosecution of bribery. ③“the basic compact underlying (构成…的基础(或起因))representative government,” wrote chief justice john roberts for the court, “assumes that public officials will hear from their constituents and act on their concerns.”
define [d??fa?n] 阐明; 限定(它出现,正确答案出现)
?criminal?[?kr?m?nl] adj.犯罪的; 刑法的
bureaucratic [?bj??r??kr?t?k]adj.官僚(主义)的;
persecution迫害(per= all through;secut=follow)
execute [?eks?kju?t]执行, 实行, 完成, 处死
【5段】在判定某种偏袒不属于犯罪时,法院的裁决是既合法又合理的。民选领袖应该被允许去 助其支持者处理官僚问题而无须担心被起诉受贿。法院的首席法官约翰·罗伯特写道“代议制政府下的基本协定认为公务人员应听从其选民意见并按照其意愿行使职能。
39. well-enforced?laws in government transparency?are needed to
[a] awaken the conscience of officials.
[b] allow for(考虑到)?certain kinds of lobbying.(为了支持或抵制某项特定目标游说)
????[c] guarantee fair play in official access.
[d] inspire hopes in average people.
【命题解密】本段根据关键词定位于3句,答案在一句。方法一、but在开头,表示整段的转折,这句话是本段的主旨句,可能是考点。?to ensure equality of access to government是目地。同c 一致;方法二、this type?指代是考点,指的是1、2句。[c]是对3句this type of integrity的正确解读:官员禁止徇私情,官员要确保政府接见机会人人平等。requires =are needed to
①but the ruling reinforces the need for citizens and their elected representatives, not the courts,?to ensure equality of access to government.?②officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in arranging meetings simply because an individual or group provides a campaign donation or a personal gift. ③this type?(指代是考点在二句)of integrity requires?well-enforced?laws in government transparency, such as records of official meetings, rules on lobbying, and information about each elected leader’s source of wealth.
representative[?repr??zent?t?v]n.代表; 继任者; 议员; (re一再+present出席的+ative人或物等)
transparency?[tr?ns?p?r?nsi]n.透明; 透明度; 透明性
lobby [?l?bi] 门厅,大厅; 休息室; 游说团;
40. the author’s attitude toward the court’s ruling is
[a] sarcastic.????????????[b] tolerant.
[c] skeptical.????????????[d] supportive.
作者对法院的裁决持【 】态度。
【命题解密】正确项[d]是对末四段中 legally sound、reinforces、 a step forward等词所传递出的作者对裁决看法的正确解读。作者观点常在最后一段。
①the court’s ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.

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